Sin Recuperación, No Hay Tarifa
Although it may come as a surprise, tornadoes pose a real threat to Floridians. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Florida is No. 3 among all states for the average number of tornadoes each year at 66”. As we approach the warmest months of the year, it is imperative to be prepared. Destructive tornadoes are most likely to occur in Florida during the spring and summer, according to Florida State University. 

Make sure your family is prepared

Tornadoes can strike without warning and the aftermath can be devastating. It is critical to make sure your family is prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Prepare your emergency kit ahead of time to avoid a shortage of supplies. Your emergency kit should include:

  • Water
  • Alimentos enlatados o secos
  • Medicamentos 
  • Radio meteorológica NOAA
  • Linterna / velas
  • Fósforos / encendedores a prueba de agua
  • Abrelatas
  • First aid kit
  • Kit de herramientas
  • Artículos de higiene personal
  • Silbar
  • Suministros de saneamiento
  • Baterías extra
  • Dispositivo de carga de respaldo


Revisar documentos importantes

Asegúrese de que sus documentos personales, como las identificaciones, estén actualizados. Conserve copias plastificadas o guárdelas en una nube digital. 

Designar una habitación de refugio

If possible, take shelter in a storm cellar, basement, or room that does not have windows and is located on the lowest floor of the household. If you are in a mobile home or outside, identify the nearest building you can take shelter in. Try to get under something firm such as a table or mattress. Use whatever is available to protect your head.

Tune in for emergency weather alerts

A tornado watch means there is severe weather that could cause a tornado to form. A tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted or picked up by weather radar and you should take shelter immediately.  Be sure to watch out for thunderstorm watches and thunderstorm warnings as well, as tornadoes usually accompany thunderstorms.

Know the signs of a tornado

The signs of a tornado can include a funnel-shaped cloud, dark or green-colored sky, a cloud of debris, large hail, or a loud roar that sounds like a freight train. 

Educate your family.

Make sure your family members, including children, know the emergency plan, the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning, and the signs of a tornado.

Make sure your property is protected

Take the steps this tornado season to protect your home from extreme weather conditions that can quite literally, blow the roof off your house. 

Review your insurance policy

Make sure your home insurance policy is up to date and determine if you need to purchase additional coverage for flooding or windstorm damage.

Take photos of your property

Greenberg & Urbano recommends you take photos of your home before a natural disaster. We know that having photos of the property prior to any damages aids in the insurance claim being resolved more smoothly for the homeowner. Take photos of every part of your home, zoomed out to get the entire home or bedroom in the photo, and up close to get more detail.

Protect the exterior

Keep trees and shrubs trimmed to minimize flying debris. Bring loose, outdoor items inside your home.

Secure windows and entryways

Proteja las ventanas y puertas invirtiendo en vidrio resistente a los impactos, contraventanas para tormentas o madera contrachapada.


Call Greenberg & Urbano

Con demasiada frecuencia, las compañías de seguros niegan o intentan minimizar el valor de la reclamación de un propietario cuando las condiciones son perfectamente válidas y deben estar cubiertas. Nuestra amplia experiencia nos ha enseñado cómo luchar contra las compañías de seguros y ganar. Podemos construir el caso que necesita para mostrar claramente cómo la compañía de seguros está violando los términos de su póliza para que podamos asegurar la compensación completa a la que tiene derecho. Obtenga una consulta gratuita (305) 595-2400.


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